Monday 14 January 2013

Snow joking matter

We woke up to snow this morning. I got all excited about school being off, but then it stopped. There was just enough for me to leave the car at home (yes, you read that right, I walked) as, by the time I'd defrosted it, I could have got to school. Also, there was a pavement on the way that no-one had yet walked on, so I did the important job of leaving the first footprints. I know that sounds very childish, but I later found out that another teaching assistant, along with the school secretary, had run round and round the untouched playground for the same reason.

(photo on  1000 Awesome Things)

During a group reading session later, the children and I got to discussing footprints in the snow. (No, it had nothing to do with the book. I just get off the subject very easily. I think it's one of the reasons the children like me...) They were of the same opinion. One child said it was like marking his territory. I suppose I should just be grateful that he doesn't go around peeing up fences. Or maybe he does. Who am I to question? 

We do treat the children well at school, when there's snow about. They usually get extended breaks, to give them time to perfect the igloos and giant snowballs they've made. The only problem is when there's not enough snow. We get turf wars when they claim ownership of areas of snow and start arguing over it. We have children in tears because someone 'stole their snow', and we remember problems from past years and pray for it all to melt overnight. Also, the classroom isn't a pleasant place with steaming socks on all the radiators.

The cats hate the snow, too. They stick their heads out of the door, give me that 'yeah, right,' look, turn round and go back to bed. It's the one thing they agree on.

Anyway, we're due more snow overnight. We need about a foot of the stuff. Enough that the teaching staff can't get in from the varied places they live. Enough that I get that phone call at 7 tomorrow morning saying, 'Stay in bed.' Let me emphasise, this is not me breaking my New Year resolution and being a misery guts. This is me knowing that, not only will I get a lie-in, but there will be over a hundred happy children having fun and making snowmen. Fingers crossed....

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