Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy New Year!

Here's hoping that hangovers have faded and you're able to start enjoying January after all the obligatory bonhomie... I did my very best to be sociable but, unluckily, Son-Number-Two was not in the best of health, so I had to leave the local shenanigans and join him at home, both of us bringing in the new year with Bridget Jones. No money exchanged hands, honestly...

(Photo: www.toutlecine.com)

"There was a young lady from Ealing..."

I really don't know why I'm so unsociable. I can't even blame it on my age as I've always been a miserable so-and-so when it comes to parties, which is a source of irritation to my husband. I've told him I'm quite happy if he wants to go and socialise without me, but he says that's not what it's all about. He wants me to be there, which is all very touching, but when I do go, he then abandons me to talk to his friends about manly things like garden fences. Don't get me wrong, I do talk to other people and sometimes quite enjoy myself when I'm forced to party, but I totally understand little children when they're asked to go somewhere and do that whiny 'Ohhhhhhhh, but I don't want to!' and have to be physically dragged out of the house.

Anyway, now I can relax and get on with things. I've sort of caught up with OU work; I just have to bash out an assignment on children's poetry and how it is/isn't nostalgic. I need a very long-winded way of saying, 'sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't.' 

The Daughter made it safely back to Cornwall, by the way. After all the news-footage of train lines under water, she was starting to worry she'd never get home again, but everything was back to normal by the time she travelled. 

I hope your new year will be full of wonderful things. If you've been one of the flooded people, I hope you weren't too badly affected and have kept safe. 

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