Saturday 8 September 2012


Shhh...I'm not really here....

I'm meant to be writing a 3000 word essay on ethics, but got bored. 600 words in, I found myself writing complete rubbish that bore no relation to the question, so I think it's best if I take a break, eat the contents of the biscuit tin, and carry on later. Or tomorrow. Heck, it doesn't have to be in for another week or so...It's a course with the cheerful title of "Death and Dying", and was another expensive mistake. I started full of enthusiasm (I like ethic-y things, and think dying's interesting. I may consider doing it myself one day), but my tutor is allergic to being helpful and I'm fed up with reading about hospital policies. Anyway, I've got two new courses starting soon, which look much more interesting. 

I'm doing Open University just for me. School days were most certainly not the best days of my life (were they for anyone??), so I'm dabbling in courses now. People ask if I'm doing it so I can go into teaching. Seriously?? Like there aren't enough messed-up children around already.

So what did we do in the two days the children were at school this week? (The children and I were all in agreement that two days at school and five off would make a pretty good week.) Well, we had School Council elections. We didn't have to rig it this year, as Ms Fab's daughter won the chairmanship, and she's pretty nice. The secretary's a good one, too. At least I can read her writing. 

And the sun's out, now that the holidays are over - that always helps to put the staff in a good mood. Indoor breaks are terrible for making tempers flare. You can hear the teachers' symphony of yelling all the way down the corridor. Playground duty is bearable when the sun is shining. Yesterday, the infants decided to play "wheelchair basketball without the wheelchairs", as Paralympic fever still rages. The new children are getting used to our apathetic response of "Oh, you'll be fine, give it a rub," every time they fall over. See, that's another problem with the little ones: they don't stand up very well, and I'm only equipped with a certain amount of sympathy. At least the juniors only fall down when the footballers are on the rampage. But then they go to high school, discover alcohol, and turn into infants again.

We've not had many children on the isolation table, and I've not been sworn at yet. There's time, I know, they're still finding their feet in a new class, bless their hearts.

I really must go back to that essay. Although I've not checked my e-mails yet.  And I'll just have a quick five minutes on Bubble Shooter (ha ha, "a quick five minutes", I like that!). See you later, I've got so much procrastinating to do...

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