Sunday 13 October 2013

Ain't no coffee strong enough...

Well, that's out of the way for another year... Will I have thought of a good enough excuse to get out of next year's Brownie camp by the time another Autumn rolls around? I doubt it. 

Ms Fab and I arrived bright and early at, umm, 9.30. One letter said we had to be there at 8.30, but we 'lost' that one, and kept the one with the later time to hand, in case we were challenged on our timekeeping. Thankfully, we were sent straight back outside to direct cars into a nearby field to park and unload. Little girls were led into the centre by very cheerful-looking parents, lugging enormous suitcases (the girls were only staying for one night, but it was amazing how many teddies, blankets and various bits of useless rubbish they needed. And socks. The amount of socks that were found lying around that 'didn't belong to anyone' was ridiculous). 

We had discovered, on Friday afternoon, that our local Cub Scout pack were also camping at the centre, only they were 'proper' camping, they informed us with scornful sneers. 'You Brownies don't do proper camping, in a tent and everything. We do.' After that gloating statement, I didn't feel too heartless at enjoying the sound of rain pelting down all night. From my cosy sleeping bag, indoors. How I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning, when I can ask them if they slept well. 

There were lots of bossy women about. They didn't ask anyone to do things, they told and ordered. They stomped about, enjoying their power-trips and leaving wakes of sighing people who rolled their eyes and looked at their watches. Ms Fab and I ended up helping with face painting. We were ordered around by a woman with an alarmingly large rear-end, and I told Ms Fab to shoot me if I ever got so big that I, too, had to walk through a door sideways. 

After popcorn and sweets, the girls got a good sugar-rush before bed, and propped themselves up in their sleeping bags to watch a Disney film together. At 11-ish, they quietened down and we headed for bed. At 1 am, they were spoken to, as they were being noisy. At 2.45, they got a stern warning. About 4-ish, someone went through and yelled at them to be quiet or else. At 6.30, one of our girls came through and tearfully asked to go home, as she had a bad cold and wanted her mum. She was hugged and taken back to bed. At 6.45, we gave it up as a bad job and got up. Thankfully, our replacement arrived after breakfast, so we blearily made our way home. 

I have lost count of how many cups of coffee I've had today, but I'm still in a fog. Woe betide any child who crosses me tomorrow. Especially if they're a Cub Scout who had a good time. 

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